My name is Melissa Corder and I am a freelance graphic designer living in Nashville, Tennessee.
I'm also a wife, mum, animal lover and friend. I have been a designer for ten plus years now and I love it. I can design for hours and it never gets old. I am constantly inspired by beautiful and creative designs that I see around me: in art museums, unique stores or websites such as etsy, tinyprints & the cool hunter. I am also inspired by magazines - my favorite being Dwell and the late Domino & Bluprint (may they R.I.P).
When I am not designing, I am enjoying precious time with family and friends, or at centennial dog park with Dingo, aka "Captain Dingo Fox", my blue brindle pit puppy.
I have a son & daughter who keep me very busy. I fall more & more in love with them every day. Being a mum is very important to me. It is the biggest and best job a person can have (and it's very hard to get fired).
My husband Chris is an amazing person. He is a scholar, an athlete, a wonderful dad and husband. He is my best friend and always has my back. We met in the summer of 2003 in Nashville, and he asked me to marry him in Milfontes, Portugal (I know, right?!) one year later. We got hitched in March 2005 and the rest is history.
My style of design is pretty across-the-board. I love all things modern & minimal, but also the scrapbook, vintage & whimsical as well.
In mid November I opened mjcorder designs on etsy. I can't believe it took me so long, but I had no idea a graphic designer could sell designs this way. It's brilliant, and so much fun! I've been able to work with the coolest people from various places.
On my etsy site you will find photo card designs, stationary, holiday cards, birthday cards, invitations, announcements, posters and all kinds of darn cute stuff!
My "day job" is spent freelance designing commercial and gift market products such as educational (various books and children's activities) and marketing materials (brochures, business cards, posters, flyers, etc) for local (and national) businesses. I also design websites, blogs and internet newsletters. You can view my freelance graphic designers website at
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